Well, sometimes in life they say that if we have too long to think about something... perhaps we'd never do it! That being said... our "quick" decision to move to downtown Columbia is almost done! We opened our doors on January 24th and I must say that Columbians are greeting us with open arms and excitement that we're here!!! I've been diligently attempting to complete our second and third rooms only to find that we needed to have new flooring layed before we could do that. Snow, snow and more snow put some "kinks" into our schedule... but I'm happy to say that tomorrow we're told that the carpet layer's will be here at 8:00 a.m. to "knock it out"!!! I'm off to a buying trip, busily preparing to add to our current treasures.
Here's a glimpse of one of my favorite views of our front room. Be sure to stop by to say Hi! We're open Monday through Saturday 10 am to 6 pm
Blessings to all,